Video: EXTREME Guitarist Performs 'More Than Words' On 'The Voice'

December 4, 2013

EXTREME guitarist Nuno Bettencourt performed the band's hit song "More Than Words" with contestants Cole Vosbury, Will Champlin and James Wolpert on yesterday's (Tuesday, December 3) episode of NBC's hit reality singing competition "The Voice". You can watch video footage of his appearance below.

Nuno is best known for his work in the rock band EXTREME, which was nominated for a Grammy for its Billboard chart-topping hit "More Than Words". Nuno has worked on many projects including, multiple solo albums, film scores and has also worked with notable artists such as Janet Jackson, Perry Farrell, Robert Palmer and many others.

In 2010, Nuno joined Grammy Award-winning R&B artist Rihanna and became her tour lead guitarist.

"After EXTREME's early success, I got asked all the time to be on pop tours by people like Janet Jackson and others, but I always turned them down," Bettencourt told the Boston Herald. "After I got off the road in 2008, Rihanna's music director Tony Bruno called me, saying, 'I know what you're going to say, but hear me out.'

"I said to Tony, 'But there’s no guitar in Rihanna's songs,'" Bettencourt added. "He told me that's why they wanted me."

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