TAYLOR HAWKINS Honored At Drum Circle In His Hometown: Video, Photos

April 1, 2022

According to The Orange County Register, late FOO FIGHTERS drummer Taylor Hawkins was honored with a drum circle on Thursday, March 31 at Aliso Beach in Laguna Beach, California.

The tribute, hosted by Laguna Beach radio station KX FM, paid tribute to the 50-year-old musician who died on March 25 while he was on tour with the FOO FIGHTERS in Colombia.

Born in Fort Worth, Texas, Hawkins relocated to Laguna Beach with his family in his early childhood and bought an ocean-front home in the artsy beach town.

James Pribram, who went to Laguna Beach High School with Hawkins, told The Orange County Register about the drummer: "He was just the most genuine, positive, respectful person you could imagine. He was very down to Earth. There was nothing about him that said rock star."

Hawkins was found dead at the Four Seasons Casa Medina hotel in Bogota.

An official cause of death for Hawkins hasn't yet been released. But on March 26, Colombia's attorney general's office released a preliminary toxicology report, saying that medical examiners found evidence of 10 types of substances in Hawkins's body, including opioids, benzodiazepines, marijuana and antidepressants.

Hawkins joined FOO FIGHTERS in 1997. Prior to that, he played with the Orange County band SYLVIA and was also in the backing band for Sass Jordan. He also toured with Alanis Morissette as her drummer.

Hawkins was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame last year as a member of the FOO FIGHTERS.

Hawkins's most recent work with FOO FIGHTERS included last year's "Medicine At Midnight" album, a collection of BEE GEES covers and FOO FIGHTERS' horror film "Studio 666".

Taylor Hawkins Memorial March 31st Laguna Beach Loves And Misses Him Forever ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽต

Posted by Kevin Jones on Thursday, March 31, 2022

Taylor Hawkins Memorial Drum Off Right Now at Aliso Beach , Laguna Beach. DJ Ed from KX Fm is here ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’ โญ๏ธ

Posted by Kevin Jones on Thursday, March 31, 2022

Here is a clip from our good friend @andiktaylor who attended the Drum Circle on the beach in the Laguna Beach area in honor of TAYLOR HAWKINS, organized by locals. 03/31/22

Taylor grew up in Laguna Beach,CA

#TaylorHawkins #DrumCircle #LagunaBeach #FooFighters

Posted by Foozie's Foo Fighters News on Friday, April 1, 2022

Tonightโ€™s drum circle in Laguna Beach for Taylor Hawkins.

Posted by Chris Phillips on Thursday, March 31, 2022

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