July 25, 2005

Finnish melodic death/doom metallers SWALLOW THE SUN have set "Ghosts of Loss" as the title of their second album, due on August 24 via Firebox Records. Two different versions of the album will be available; a standard release and a special two-CD version featuring the stylish video "Descending Winters" as well as live footage from the band's April 23, 2005 gig in Lahti ("Swallow" and "Deadly Nightshade") and December 17, 2004 concert in Lutakko ("Through Her Silvery Body" and "Psychopath's Lair"). You can get a glimpse of the album's cover by going to the splash page here. Several stills from the "Descending Winters" video have been added to the "Media" section of the band's web site.

SWALLOW THE SUN in April entered the Finnish single chart at position No. 4 with their latest single, "Forgive Her" (Firebox Records). In addition to the nine-minute title track, the single features a cover version of the CANDLEMASS classic "Solitude", with Magister Albert from REVEREND BIZARRE on vocals.

"Ghosts of Loss" track listing:

01. The Giant (11:55)
02. Descending Winters (6:11)
03. Psychopath's Lair (5:51)
04. Forgive Her (9:02)
05. Fragile (7:12)
06. Ghost of Laura Palmer (8:07)
07. Gloom, Beauty and Despair (8:45)
08. The Ship (8:55)

Total: 65:59 min

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