SOULFLY Guitarist RIZZO Announces New Solo Dates

December 19, 2006

SOULFLY guitarist Marc Rizzo will be taking his shredding skills to the West Coast for the first time to let more metalheads thrash to his trademark sound. Newly scheduled Rizzo solo shows are as follows:

Jan. 12 - Boston, MA - TBA
Jan. 13 - Lowell, MA - Rusty G's
Jan. 18 - Anaheim, CA - NAMM
Jan. 19 - Anaheim, CA - NAMM
Jan. 20 - Anaheim, CA - NAMM
Jan. 21 - Anaheim, CA - NAMM
Jan. 27 - Teaneck, NJ - Mexicali Blues
Feb. 03 - Elmwood Park, NJ - The Under Pass
Feb. 17 - Carlstadt, NJ - The Axis Lounge

Rizzo is one of the new breed of young guitarists in contemporary bands and has built a substantial following through his years of touring and recording with ILL NINO and SOULFLY. Recently, Rizzo has stepped out with solo projects that reveal a phenomenal command of the guitar. "Colossal Myopia" unveils Rizzo to be a master musician with deep musical roots in metal, classical and flamenco guitar.

"Colossal Myopia" is a mixture of all the music that Rizzo listens to. It's a combination of "metal nuevo flamenco" and jazz. "I don't really listen to one type of music and I think my record showcases that," explains Rizzo. "It's an all-instrumental CD for music lovers that want to enjoy pure music without all the politics and negative lyrical content."

Rizzo's raw energy combined with the talent of a new-generation shred-master is a much needed breath of fresh air to the instrumental rock genre. Rizzo goes on to describe some of the music on his solod CD: "'Colossal Myopia' is a song that I wrote while trying to combine heavy riffing with flamenco buleria rhythms. 'Introspection of an Introvert' is pure shred metal, while the 'Piñata Hits Back' is nuevo flamenco guitar with salsa style percussion. This entire record is a total trip and I'm glad to finally have put a record out that combines all the music I love on one record. 'Colossal Myopia' is really just a look into my CD collection, because I love listening to Paco de Lucia and then metal. These styles were meant to be together."

SOULFLY recently completed a U.S. tour in support of its latest album, "Dark Ages", available now on Roadrunner Records. The follow-up to 2004's "Prophecy" was produced by mainman Max Cavalera and was mixed by Terry Date, who has previously worked with PANTERA and DEFTONES, among others.

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