SEVENDUST: 'Falcons On Top' Video Available

December 4, 2010

"Falcons On Top", SEVENDUST's video for the official theme song of the Atlanta Falcons football team, can be viewed below. The clip was shot on September 16 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta and included an appearance by the Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders.

More behind-the-scenes footage from the video shoot is available at Check out pictures at this location.

When asked by how SEVENDUST became involved with the song, the band's frontman, Lajon Witherspoon, replied, "The way this came about, man.... Believe it or not, a very old friend of mine, Edsel Dope from the band DOPE, gave me a call. He's [working] for a new music group. [He asked me], 'Would you be interested in doing a song for the Atlanta Falcons?' [I said], 'Of course.' We [flew] out, [did] the song, change[d] some words around... I felt like what we did was made it feel more at home . . . And we had the band come in a few months later. And we never knew what was gonna happen with this. For us to be here doing a video, man... This is huge. This is like one of the highlights of SEVENDUST, to be part of something so cool."

Regarding what the band did to put that SEVENDUST spin on an already existing song, Witherspoon said, "We just brought a little 'DUST [to the track]. I think a lot of people feel that energy, hear that energy in the song... I think we turned it into a SEVENDUST song; that's what we did."

"Falcons On Top" video:

"Falcons On Top" behind the scenes:

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