SATYRICON Performs In Mexico; Audio Of Press Conference, Photos Available

June 11, 2007

Norwegian black metallers SATYRICON played three shows in Mexico this past weekend: June 8 (Mexico City),June 9 (Monterrey) and June 10 (Guadalajara). 1,450 metalheads witnessed the group's performance in Mexico City, which featured the following setlist:

01. Walk The Path Of Sorrow
02. Filthgrinder
03. Now, Diabolical
04. Du Som Hater Gud
05. The Rite Of Our Cross
06. Repined Bastard Nation
07. The Pentagram Burns
08. Havoc Vulture
09. K.I.N.G.
10. Nemesis Divina
11. Fuel For Hatred
12. Hvite Krists Dod
13. Mother North

Check out a photo gallery at this location. A 32-minute audio recording of the band's press conference in Mexico City is available for streaming here.

SATYRICON's video for the song "The Pentagram Burns" is available at this location (Quicktime required). Photos from the shoot can be seen here.

The "The Pentagram Burns" clip was filmed in August with director HÃ¥vard Arnstad in Oslo, Norway. "Visually the video is strongly linked with the look and the style from the album cover, hence we find ourselves covered with minor burns all over bodies and it feels nothing but good," the group writes on its web site.

SATYRICON's latest album, "Now, Diabolical", debuted at No. 2 on the national Norwegian chart and also charted in Sweden and Finland.

(Thanks: Mordormx)

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