Reunited MISFITS To Play At Philadelphia's Wells Fargo Arena In December?

October 21, 2019

Live Nation Philadelphia appears to be teasing a local performance by the reunited MISFITS.

Earlier today, the concert promoter shared a video featuring the Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty and the MISFITS skull logo along with the "12.14.19" date, suggesting that the show will take place at Wells Fargo Arena.

It was only last month that Glenn Danzig said that the MISFITS wouldn't play any more reunion shows after last weekend's concert in New York City.

The initial comeback performance by MISFITS members Danzig, Jerry Only and Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein took place at the 2016 Riot Fest. The estranged bandmates played together for the first time since 1983 and were backed by former SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo and guitarist Acey Slade.

Since then, the original lineup of the MISFITS has reunited for scattered dates, with the latet one taking place on October 19 at Madison Square Garden.

This past June, Danzig told Full Metal Jackie that "there's not gonna be many more" MISFITS shows, explaining that he and his bandmates wanted to "make each event special." He said: "We just kind of got back together and just decided we'd do it here or there, and just not make it a grind kind of tour. So people should see it while they can, because I know next year I go out with DANZIG again for Europe and may do some dates here in the States."

Legal papers recently uncovered by MetalSucks have suggested that Danzig only reunited with the MISFITS to end his decades-long legal battle over the band's trademark and profits.

Prior to the Riot Fest concerts, Glenn, Jerry and Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein last performed together on October 29, 1983.

The original MISFITS band broke up in 1983, and Only brought forth a new version of the MISFITS in 1995. Various members have come and gone, but Only, along with BLACK FLAG's Dez Cadena, has kept some form of the MISFITS in the recording studio and on the road for most of the last two and half decades.

Coming Soon...


Posted by Live Nation Philadelphia on Monday, October 21, 2019

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