PHILIP ANSELMO: 'I Haven't Been This Strong Since I Was 23-24 Years Old'

August 24, 2007

To chronicle the past five years leading up to the release of DOWN's new album, "III - Over the Under", Philip Anselmo is placing periodic installments to be released over the course of the next month on the band's web sites leading up to the release of the record. This is Philip's personal communication to the band's loyal fan base and gives a first-hand account the tragedy, isolation, rebirth and ultimate triumph of one of the most important band's of our time. The second installment follows:

"Hurricane Katrina has been documented over and again, so I can only write about how it affected myself, and DOWN directly.

"After the mandatory evacuation, every family member, friend, etc. were displaced all over the country for some time. Phone lines ripped down, cell phones useless, no communication. I was in a moel in Houston TX. Overlooking the thunderous 5/6 lane highway of endless congestion below, in sweltering heat. It was a tiny room, with my ol' lady, our two dogs, our cat, two bags, and an ice cooler, for a month and a half.

"Two months after that, as some semblance of order was restored (?),we started jamming as a full band at Nodferatu's Lair. We eventually did a demo of some of the new songs with David 'The Puma' Troia (bad-ass). From there we picked what we felt were the strongest tracks.

"The making of the new DOWN, has been by far the hardest recording process I personally have EVER done, and every other band member concur.

"We are all visionaries, and the battle to refocus, and pull together, is a tale that only long time musicians can tell, or relate to.

"IT WAS A WAR!!!!!!

"However we know we have won that war. Regardless, in November of 2005, I had a triple fusion in my lower back, held together by titanium rods. Since then, from learning how to take my first steps again, through physical therapy (REHAB DYNAMICS!!!),which taught me positive pain, put regiment into my life, and changed a big part within the psychology of myself. There were no time for hangovers anymore. Because, from February on, I was awake at 9:30 a.m., at physical therapy 'till 4:00 p.m., come straight to band practice, which lasted 'till midnight or later/eat/sleep/five nights a week. My workouts became obsessive. I was pushed to limits that astounded myself, the trainers, the surgeon, and most neurosurgery 'experts.' Today, I am a better man. I am hardly limited. I haven't been this strong physically or mentally since I was 23-24 years old. All of this work was for a purpose… the oncoming of the new DOWN."

Check out pictures at this location.

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