Norway's SHINING: 'The Madness And The Damage Done' Video Released

February 23, 2010

"The Madness And The Damage Done", the new video from the Norwegian act SHINING (not to be confused with the Swedish black metal band of the same name),can be viewed below. The song comes off the band's new album, "Blackjazz", which was released in Europe on January 25 via Indie Recordings and in North America on February 2 through The End Records.

The track listing for the CD is as follows:

01. The Madness And The Damage Done
02. Fisheye
03. Exit Sun
04. Exit Sun
05. Healter Skelter
06. The Madness And The Damage Done
07. Blackjazz Deathtrance
08. Omen
09. 21st Century Schizoid Man

Over the course of its impressive 10-year career, SHINING has created its own unique and bizarre hybrid of jazz and extreme metal, which is easily distinguishable from the musical world of their Swedish labelmates sharing the same band name.

Commented Indie in a statement: "With their one-of-a kind-sound and extreme approach to music, [SHINING] are the perfect match for Indie Recordings. SHINING adds the experimentalism, variety and boldness we have been wanting to add to our roster for a long time, and we are confident SHINING will continue to push the borders of what is happening in the scene!"

SHINING's Jørgen Munkeby comments: "After 10 merciless years and four ground-breaking and critically acclaimed albums, our sound is more punishing and extreme than ever before, and our fan-base bigger than ever. For 'Blackjazz', we needed a label that would match our aggressiveness, along with our taste for catchiness. We needed people who shared our dedication to music and art, along with our ambitions of reaching a vast number of people, a label that would match our constantly growing numbers of fans worldwide and the ever expanding interest for our musical mission. Indie Recordings is the perfect match for SHINING's 'Blackjazz'! Their knowledge of the music industry is as immense as their love for good music. It will be a great pleasure to be working with this marvelous and ambitious label in the future!"

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