NIKKI SIXX Says SULLY ERNA Is The Only Person 'Crying Like A Bitch' Over 'Cre Fest 2' Tour

May 25, 2011

MTLEY CRE bassist Nikki Sixx has once again commented on the reports that GODSMACK's "Cryin' Like A Bitch" single was written as a slam on Sixx after the two bands apparently clashed during the Cre Fest 2 tour.

In a posting on his Facebook page, Sixx responded to a question from a fan in which Nikki was asked "what happened [between] you and Sully."

"Every person from road crew, fans and even all the bands on the tour (including [Sully's] band) was so happy, but [Erna] just seems to be crying like a bitch," Sixx replied. "Funny, even his manager told me he's an asshole... Maybe the problem is just in HIS head... I got no problem with him."

GODSMACK frontman Sully Erna admitted in a webisode for the band's fifth studio album, "The Oracle", that "Cryin' Like A Bitch" was inspired by events of Cre Fest 2, on which GODSMACK was billed below headliners MTLEY CRE. Sully told Artisan News Service at the time, "There's definitely been some rock-star garbage on this tour that we just have never seen in our career . . . this was the first time that I felt like, 'You know what?! If there's gonna be some people that are gonna treat other people a certain way, then I'm gonna go out there every night and . . . make sure that we make you look old and fat, and go home with a nice big fat paycheck."

Samples of some of the lyrics on "Cryin' Like A Bitch" include lines like: "Strut on by like a king/Telling everybody they know nothing/Long lived what you thought you were/Time ain't on your side anymore"

"Cryin' Like A Bitch" lyrics:

Strut on by like a king
Telling everybody they know nothing
Long lived what you thought you were
Time ain't on your side anymore

And so you tell me I can't take my chances
But I've told you one too many times
And you were cryin' like a bitch

I'm tougher than nails, I can promise you that
Step outta line and you'll get bitch-slapped back
And you can run your little mouth all day
But the hand of god just smacked you back into yesterday

And so you tell me I can't take my chances
But I've told you one too many times
And you were cryin' like a bitch
And you wonder why no one can stand you
There's no denying you were cryin' like a bitch

Blinded by your sacred faded past times, only time is your enemy
Granted a second chance to prove that your arrogance is
Stronger than you'll ever be it's stronger than you can be [/End of lyrics]

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