NIGHTWISH: 'Made In Hong Kong (And In Various Other Places)' Lands On German Chart

March 27, 2009

"Made In Hong Kong (And In Various Other Places)", the new CD/DVD from Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH, has entered the German Media Control chart at position No. 15. It also opened at No. 2 in Finland and has dropped down to No. 5 in its second week of release.

Released on March 13 via Nuclear Blast Records, "Made In Hong Kong (And In Various Other Places)" contains a DVD documentary (with a running time of approximately 45 minutes) of NIGHTWISH's world tour in support of the band's latest album, "Dark Passion Play", as well as a CD featuring live recordings from the trek. The documentary footage was reportedly directed by Ville Lipiäinen.

"Made In Hong Kong (And In Various Other Places)" track listing:

CD (running time - 66:13):

01. Bye Bye Beautiful (live)
02. Whoever Brings The Night (live)
03. Amaranth (live)
04. The Poet And The Pendulum (live)
05. Sahara (live)
06. The Islander (live)
07. Last Of The Wilds (live)
08. 7 Days To The Wolves (live)
09. Escapist
10. While Your Lips Are Still Red
11. Cadence Of Her Last Breath (demo version)

DVD (running time - 49:52)

* Documentary (Dark Passion Play World Tour)
* Video Clips:
01. Amaranth
02. Bye Bye Beautiful
03. The Islander

16:9 PAL / 2.0 Stereo / DVD-5 / region free

An extended five-minute "Made In Hong Kong (And In Various Other Places)" preview clip can be viewed below.

NIGHTWISH issued a digital-only collection of demos and B-sides titled "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn", on September 2, 2008. This release, which clocks in at nearly 70 minutes of music, retains "must-have" status for all NIGHTWISH diehards, since it includes a bevy of exclusive material, such as demo versions of songs from the "Dark Passion Play" sessions that were recorded prior to singer Anette Olzon joining the band and that feature Marco Tapani Hietala handling the vocals, as well as B-sides.

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