New ANTHRAX CD To Include Enhanced Portion

March 17, 2003

ANTHRAX have announced that the American version of their new CD, "We've Come For You All", will include a special "enhanced" portion containing an official bootleg video and never-before-seen photos. "We've Come For You All" will be released on May 6 on Sanctuary Records.

The official bootleg video, shot in Chicago in 1999, features a performance of the classic "Got the Time" in addition to a very rare "Among the Living / I'm the Man / Caught in a Mosh" medley. The enhanced "We've Come For You All" CD will only be available in the United States.

Vocalist John Bush, guitarist Scott Ian, bass guitarist Frank Bello, drummer Charlie Benante and new guitarist Rob Caggiano are currently on tour in Europe, and the band is earning rave early reviews for the new CD. ANTHRAX will hit the road in May for a North American tour with MOTÖRHEAD.

The initial ANTHRAX/MOTÖRHEAD tour dates are as follows:

May 07 - Norfolk, VA @ NorVa
May 09 - Worcester, MA @ Palladium
May 11 - Montreal, QC @ Medley
May 13 - Mount Clemens, MI @ Emerald Theater
May 15 - Cleveland, OH @ Agora Theatre
May 16 - Chicago, IL @ House of Blues
May 17 - Chicago, IL @ House of Blues
May 18 - Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave
May 20 - Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue

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