MASTIC SCUM: 'CTRL' Cover Artwork, Track Listing Revealed

October 1, 2013

Austrian extreme metallers MASTIC SCUM will release their fifth album, "CTRL", on December 6 via Massacre Records. The CD will contain 11 tracks, including a re-recorded aong from the band's 1994 demo. The effort was mixed at Metalforge Studio by Mike Kronstorfer. The artwork was designed by Isisdesignstudio and can be seen below.

Says the band: "The concept of the album depicts a futuristic vision of the technological evolution and development of society — the need to control and the inevitable collapse of a system!"

"CTRL" track listing:

01. Controlled Collapse
02. Dehumanized
03. Cause & Effect
04. Brute-Force-Methode
05. D1s3mb0d1m3nt
06. Rebornation
07. Perceptive Illusion
08. Hyper-Detection 2.0
09. Create/Negate
10. The Vortex Within
11. Resurrection

MASTIC SCUM's last album, "Dust", was released on November 13, 2009 via Twilight Distribution.

The band in 2009 parted ways with vocalist Will due to "musical differences" and replaced him with Maggo Wenzel (INZEST, TRISTWOOD, WATCH ME BLEED).


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