MARDUK Drummer Was Protecting Friend When Attacked With Baseball Bat

February 15, 2005

Swedish black/death metallers THE LEGION, featuring current MARDUK drummer Emil Dragutinovic, have issued the following statement regarding the incident over the weekend that resulted in Emil suffering a broken arm and unable to embark on MARDUK's previously announced European tour:

"On Saturday night [February] 12th, our drummer Emil and a close friend to the band was attacked by a group of five immigrants. Emil was trying to protect this friend of ours when a dude with a baseball bat suddenly attacked him. When trying to defend himself from the severe beating he broke his left arm. Emil's friend got seriously maltreated and is now hospitalised. Emil is now in plaster and he's unable to play the drums for some months. This means that the upcoming tour with MARDUK (Emil's other band) gets postponed and the recording of our new album gets delayed for a while too. This really sucks since we've had the new material ready for some time now and we where just waiting for Emil to be done with the tour."

THE LEGION's debut album, "Unseen To Creation", was released in October 2003 through France's Listenable Records. The CD, which was recorded at Abyss Studios with producer Tommy TÃĪgtgren, features "ten songs of complex and eclectic black/death metal, ranging in style from MORBID ANGEL to SETHERIAL." The cover art was done by Kris Verwimp, who has previously worked with MARDUK, ABSU, and IMMORTAL, among others.

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