MANIFEST Completes Recording New Album

November 17, 2009

Norwegian thrashers MANIFEST have issued the following update:

"November 14th marked the last day of recording for the new MANIFEST album! We spent the day in Brygga Studios laying down the finishing touches, mainly consisting of backing vocals. In addition to Ole [Marius Larmerud; guitar] and Johnny's [Wangberg; bass] mighty voices, some friends came over to contribute: Marius (TORCH),HÃ¥vard (PELAGIC) and Rune (MAX MIDSUN). Alessandro [Elide; drums] even wiped the dust off an old pumpeorgel and laid down some evil keys!"

A brand new track called "Irreversible" from the newly recorded MANIFEST album will be featured on a compilation CD entitled "Trondheim Calling". The CD will be released on January 23, 2010 and will include "all kind of different bands" from the Trondheim area in Norway. The group says, "The release is aiming at promoting the high quality and wide range of music that bands from the city of Trondheim have to offer, and will receive national distribution. Alongside MANIFEST on this release is also our metal partners-in-crime TORCH, who kick major ass!"

MANIFEST entered Trøndertun Studio on August 8 with producer Knut Prytz to begin recording its new album. 11 tracks were laid down for the CD, which is tentatively due in early 2010.

MANIFEST in March announced the addition of bassist Johnny Wangberg (GRIFFIN, WATTAMEZZ) to the group's ranks.

Johnny made his live debut with MANIFEST on March 7 in the band's hometown of Trondheim.

MANIFEST's most recent album, "Hedonism", came out in Norway on December 3, 2007 via Morningstar Records. The follow-up to 2005's "Half Past Violence" was recorded at Spiren Studio with producer Knut "Fug" Prytz. Audio samples from the CD are available for streaming on the band's MySpace page.

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