KIVIMETSÄN DRUIDI: New Album Title Announced

February 11, 2010

Finnish symphonic folk metal band KIVIMETSÄN DRUIDI has set "Betrayal, Justice, Revenge" as the title of its second album, due in late April via Century Media Records. According to the label, the group is "ready to surprise [the listeners] with [its] most diverse and mature album to date."

Formed in 2002 in Kouvola, Finland by brothers Joni (growls, guitar) and Antti Koskinen (keyboards, backing vocals),KIVIMETSÄN DRUIDI previously recorded three demos — "Kristallivuoren Maa" (2002),"Taival" (2004) and "The New Chapter" (2007) — one EP called "Mustan Valtikan Aika" (2006),and a full-length album, "Shadowheart" (2008).

In 2009 the band toured the U.S. for the first time as part of the Heathenfest America with ELUVEITIE, BELPHEGOR, ALESTORM and VREID.


Leeni-Maria Hovila - Vocals
Joni Koskinen - Growls, Guitar
Antti Rinkinen - Lead Guitar
Antti Koskinen - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Simo Lehtonen - Bass, Backing Vocals
Atte Marttinen - Drums

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