IN BATTLE Part Ways With COLD RECORDS, Seek New Label Home

April 16, 2005

Sundsvall, Sweden-based death metallers IN BATTLE have officially parted way with Cold Records. The band are currently seeking a new label home prior to the release of their fourth album, "Terrorkings". IN BATTLE recently completed a pre-production recording at Epidemic studio in Sundsvall and are planning on recording the upcoming album with producer Peter TÃĪgtgren (HYPOCRISY, PAIN) in late October before mixing the effort with Erik Rutan (HATE ETERNAL, ex-MORBID ANGEL) at Erik's Mana studio in Florida. According to the group, the next CD will contain "a lot of variation and heavy parts but [will] still [be] brutal and fast as ever before."

IN BATTLE's third full-length album, "Welcome to the Battlefield", was released last September through Cold/Metal Blade Records.

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