IMPIOUS Announces New Album Title

July 14, 2009

Swedish death/thrashers IMPIOUS have set "Death Domination" as the title of their new album, due this coming winter via Metal Blade Records. According to the band, the CD title "symbolizes how death rules over all, and how man seeks to religion as a feeble comfort against what will happen when death takes us. Without death, religion is powerless. And only in death will religion fill its purpose."

The group adds, "It was extremely important to us that the title would fit our new songs and artwork perfectly. We needed a short yet powerful title that would show just how confident we are about our new material.

"This album will by far be the most crushingly brutal album we've ever made and we believe this title says it all!

"Drums and guitars are all recorded and Erik [Peterson] is right now finishing up the bass tracks. Meanwhile, Martin [Ã…kesson; vocals] and Valle [Adzic, guitar] are finishing the lyrics for the album that Martin will begin recording in a couple of days."

IMPIOUS's new CD is being recorded at guitarist Valle Adzic's Studio Deadline. The band previously stated, "This is the first album ever we'll produce and engineer by ourselves and we're pretty stoked about delivering this baby without any other people involved. This album will truly represent what the fuck IMPIOUS is all about!"

The group added, ""We would also like to tell you that we've hired the awesome and wickedly talented artist Marcello Vasco to create one of the most sinister and malignant-looking album covers ever! Marcello is extremely talented and we're absolutely positive that everyone will crap their pants when they see what Marcello has created for us!"

The band's latest CD, entitled "Holy Murder Masquerade", was released in January 2007 via Metal Blade Records.

Video footage of IMPIOUS performing the song "Purified By Fire" at New England Hardcore and Metal Festival can be viewed below.

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