HYPOCRISY And DECAPITATED Forced To Cancel Tonight's Show In Spokane

December 3, 2006

HYPOCRISY and DECAPITATED have been forced to cancel tonight's (Dec. 3) "Machines At War Tour" show at Big Easy in Spokane, Washington. "We can't make it in time because of bad weather conditions, the distance and the bus is not able to drive fast enough," reads a posting on HYPOCRISY's web site. "We hope we can come back another time under better circumstances. We have a shitloads of fun on this tour and we would like to thank all the people for coming out and supporting this tour."

The "Machines At War Tour" also features FEAR FACTORY and SUFFOCATION.

HYPOCRISY is utilizing the services of DARKANE's Klas Ideberg as a session guitarist for the current tour following the recent departure of Andreas Holma.

HYPOCRISY mainman Peter TÃĪgtgren previously stated about the current trek's headliners, "FEAR FACTORY are close to our hearts. 'Soul of a New Machine' was the influence for me to start my other project, PAIN. What people don't realize is that the first tour HYPOCRISY ever did back in 1993 was with them and CANNIBAL CORPSE in Europe. They've really done a lot for us to make this tour possible, so yeah, we're looking forward to giving everything we've got while we're up on stage. It doesn't matter if there are 50, 200, or 500 people in the audience. We're ready to give everything every night."

HYPOCRISY toured North America earlier in the year with NILE, SOILENT GREEN, RAGING SPEEDHORN, DECAPITATED and WITH PASSION in support of their 2005 acclaimed release, "Virus".

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