HURTLOCKER: New Demo Track Featuring DEW-SCENTED Frontman Posted Online

September 19, 2009

Chicago's HURTLOCKER has posted the demo version of a new song, "Suffer The Wreck", on the band's MySpace page. The track, which features a guest appearance by Leif Jensen of German thrashers DEW-SCENTED, is available for streaming at this location.

HURTLOCKER recently parted ways with Napalm Records after releasing two albums through the label — 2006's "Fear in a Handful of Dust" and 2007's "Embrace the Fall".

Commented the band: "We recorded three new songs and have about 30 demos out in the mail as we speak.

"We have talked with a few labels but are holding out for something that makes more sense for what we want and where we are headed as a band.

"The new songs came out better than we expected and we want to thank Leif from DEW-SCENTED, and Peter [a.k.a. Piotr Wiwczarek] from VADER for lending their vocals to the new stuff.

"We hope to be re-recording these tracks once we find a new home and releasing our third full-length some time soon.

"Any labels that want to come to the table, we are holding our collective breath."

A TuneWidget containing audio samples of demo versions of two new tracks from HURTLOCKER"Antichrist Conceived" and "So Fell Lord Perth" — is available below.

In August 2008, HURTLOCKER was rejoined by vocalist Grant Belcher. In addition, the band recruited a new bassist in the shape of Pat Neary (formerly of THE WAKING).

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