January 15, 2019

Former ASKING ALEXANDRIA singer Denis "Stoff" Shaforostov has launched a new band called DRAG ME OUT. The group's debut single, "I'm Sorry", has just been released digitally via Sumerian Records. Also available is an accompanying music video, which can be seen below.

Speaking on his new project, Denis says: "I just want to say thank you so much to my fans for staying with me through some of the toughest times of my life. Wherever I go, they would follow me til the end and that's what I cherish the most. They understand me and where I'm coming from when the change is coming, which lets me stay comfortable with myself and my music. With that being said, I would love to present the new chapter of my life and my career — DRAG ME OUT. Please, enjoy the new sound. It's made for you."


Denis Stoff (vocals)
Stas Belov (guitar)
Easy Target (bass)
Chris Nokia (drums)

Denis recorded one album with ASKING ALEXANDRIA, "The Black", before exiting the band in October 2016. Guitarist Ben Bruce said in a video message that Shaforostov had "just stopped talking to us."

He added: "When Denis first joined the band, people within the music industry and fans alike, they all told us these different things about Denis's past, and we got many warnings, and we said, that's his past — forgive and forget; we don't know any of that side of things. So we gave him the benefit of the doubt, and, you know, there's no smoke without fire, and I guess we found that out the hard way."

Shaforostov has not spoken out about his departure from ASKING ALEXANDRIA, although he did tweet at one point that he "left AA because I can't be in a touring band at this point in my life. There's no drama and I don't want to be a part of it."

Singer Danny Worsnop rejoined ASKING ALEXANDRIA in the fall of 2016.

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