April 14, 2010

Mumbai, India-based metallers DEMONIC RESURRECTION have inked a deal with Candlelight Records for the worldwide release of their third album, "The Return To Darkness", which was released independently by the band in January.

Commented the group: "We've just completed a decade in music and we can't think of a better way to celebrate than to announce that we've signed with Candlelight Records for the worldwide release of our third album, 'The Return to Darkness'. In signing with Candlelight, we're joining a roster of bands that have been an integral part of our musical growth and we couldn't be prouder. We believe Candlelight is the right fit for our music and a label that completely respects our artistic integrity. We look forward to a longstanding relationship with them to take our music to the next level."

"The Return To Darkness" track listing:

01. Between Infinity And Oblivion
02. Where Dreams And Darkness Unite
03. The Warriors Return
04. A Tragedy Befallen
05. The Unrelenting Surge Of Vengeance
06. Bound By Blood, Fire And Stone
07. Lord Of Pestilence
08. Dismembering The Fallen
09. The Final Stand
10. Omega, I

The artwork for the CD was created by Xaay, who has previously worked with NILE, KARL SANDERS, NECROPHAGIST and BEHEMOTH.

"The Unrelenting Surge Of Vengeance" video can be viewed below. The clip was directed by Vijesh and Vaas (SCRIBE).

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