AURA NOIR's APOLLYON: 'Something Must Have Gone Really Wrong With AGGRESSOR's Mind'

April 4, 2005

AURA NOIR bassist/vocalist Ole Jørgen Moe (a.k.a. Apollyon) has issued the following update on the condition of AURA NOIR guitarist Carl-Michael "Aggressor" Eide (INFERNÖ, VIRUS, VED BUENS ENDE, ex-CADAVER, ex-DHG),who fell from (or jumped off, depending on whose story you believe) a five-story building in Oslo, Norway on March 26:

"Aggressor is still being kept unconscious after his leap from fourth floor last Saturday. He's made it through two major surgeries lasting close to 20 hours each. Doctors are still not certain whether he will be paralyzed from the waist down or not. They were threatening to amputate his legs last night, but having had a closer look today they decided not to. The plan is to try to wake him up sometime early next week (if he wants to wake up and has the energy) and then we will see how his body is working. For instance his head looks fine on the x-rays but we don't know if it's really ok until he wakes up...things like that. Patience.

"As for the reason, it's still difficult to understand why it happened and I believe Aggressor doesn't understand it fully himself because of the state he was in at that time. I was on the phone with him less than 5 minutes earlier and he was clearly bad tripping on something. I confronted him with it 'cause first it sounded like he was sleeping, and he confirmed that he was a bit more stoned than he could handle as well as probably being hung over from the night before. Anyway I convinced him to come down and help me carry our gear to the rehearsal place (we'd played the Inferno festival in Oslo the night before) and then we hung up. He told the last person left at the after party goodbye, and then he went out and over to the outside elevator. There, something must have gone really wrong with his mind..."

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