ALL THAT REMAINS To Be Featured On 'Limelight'

November 2, 2007

Massachusetts metallers ALL THAT REMAINS will be featured on episode one of "Limelight", airing November 3 statewide throughout Rhode Island - Cox channel 13 and Verizon cable channel 32 at 11 a.m. Additional showings are scheduled for November 10, November 17 and November 24.

MTV's Headbanger's Blog recently featured a guest blog from ALL THAT REMAINS frontman Phil Labonte, where the singer discusses his love for freedom in an ever increasingly opressive environment. Fans can check out the blog entry here, as well as view the band's latest video. The video for the track "Not Alone" is featured on the ALL THAT REMAINS "Live" DVD along with the rest of the band's videos.

Having just return from Japan for an appearance at Loudpark 07, ALL THAT REMAINS is continuing to support the band's 2006 effort, "The Fall of Ideals", the "Live" DVD and a brand new reissue of the previously out-of-print debut record, "Behind Silence And Solitude".

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