October 28, 2005

According to The Boston Globe, AEROSMITH frontman Steven Tyler and Carlos Santana took over Jillian's on Lansdowne Street in Boston on Tuesday (Oct. 25) to film a video for Santana's song "Just Feel Better". For the video, Tyler sang the power ballad while at a bar on the second floor of the mega-pool hall/nightclub. He also shot scenes with an actress at a pool table. Santana's scenes mostly involved him playing guitar outside the building along Ipswich Street and in the garage across from Jillian's. While at Jillian's, the duo signed martini-shakers from Match, Jillian's new sister nightclub on Mass. Avenue, that are part of the hot spot's decor.

When promo samplers of Santana's new album, "All That I Am", first appeared back in April, the AOR single "Just Feel Better" had PUDDLE OF MUDD's Wes Scantlin on lead vocals. On the finished album, however, it's Steven Tyler in the driving seat. So what gives?

"Both singers were incredible, but Steven took it to a supernatural level," Santana told the U.K.'s Independent. "A person of his age usually loses some of his top range, but Steven hasn't at all. I did send a letter of apology and some flowers to Wes Scantlin...."

Santana's "All That I Am" album, which also features a guest appearance by METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett, is due on November 1 via Arista.

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