Video Premiere: CLUTCH's 'Hot Bottom Feeder'

July 27, 2018

Maryland rockers CLUTCH have released the official music video for "Hot Bottom Feeder", the third single from their upcoming album, "Book Of Bad Decisions". The clip, which shows frontman Neil Fallon whipping up a batch of tasty crab cakes for his bandmates, can be seen below.

"Book Of Bad Decisions", will be released on September 7 via the group's own Weathermaker Music label. The disc was completed at Sputnik Sound studio in Nashville, Tennessee with producer Vance Powell. The album cover was designed by renowned photographer Dan Winters.

Fallon previously explained that the "Book Of Bad Decisions" title came "from a song on the album, which, to me, it's a pretty dark song. I was trying to write lyrics that were kind of like a Cormac McCarthy novel in about three and a half minutes," he said. "But anyone in their life does bad decisions, and you can look back and see the repercussions of that spread out like a pebble thrown into a pool. We've made bad decisions; we've also made really good ones. Thankfully, all of us are surrounded by good people that ride our wheelhouse when we get a little tipsy."

The album cover was designed by renowned photographer Dan Winters and can be seen below.

Speaking to "The Liquid Conversations" host Shawn SixX, Fallon stated about working with Powell: "He comes from the live background; he's a touring engineer, front-of-houseā€¦ he's one of us. And so he came out on the road with us for three or four days, and his philosophy was just to put microphones in front of the cabinets, record the band all together in one room. It's a very simple thing that's kind of gotten lost in translation. And the album, listening to it now, I know it's gonna be a really honest and accurate portrayal of how [the songs] are gonna sound on stage."

Asked how "Book Of Bad Decisions" compares to 2015's "Psychic Warfare", Fallon said: "I think it's more stripped down in some regards. There's more of a wider range of tempos. There's more songs; there's 15 of 'em on there. At this point, I was so close to it for so long, I kind of can't see the forest for the trees; I have to take a step back to understand what this record is, if that makes any sense."

CLUTCH has announced a fall 2018 "Book Of Bad Decisions Tour" with support from SEVENDUST and TYLER BRYANT & THE SHAKEDOWN.

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