TOXIC HOLOCAUST: 'Agony of the Damned' Lyric Video Released

March 27, 2013

Portland's favorite punk/metal delinquents TOXIC HOLOCAUST have unleashed a lyric video for "Agony Of The Damned". Initially featured on the band's 2011 "Conjure And Command" full-length, the song makes an "updated" appearance on the "From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction" compilation, set for release via Relapse Records next month.

Elaborates band mastermind Joel Grind: "This version of 'Agony Of The Damned' was recorded in September of 2010 with a drum machine a few months before we stepped into the studio to record the one that appears on 'Conjure And Command'.

"When making an album, I usually demo out the entire thing before I step into a studio. This keeps costs low and gives me time to sit with it to iron out the details.

"Since 'Conjure And Command' was the first TOXIC record to feature a full band, this demo served the purpose of familiarizing everyone with the new material and is previously unreleased."

Due on on April 2 in North America, "From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction" is a mammoth 22-track anthology which collects over a decade's worth of TOXIC HOLOCAUST rarities into one raging compilation. Amassing the band's many contributions to various comps and vinyl-only splits with the likes of MUNICIPAL WASTE, MIDNIGHT and others, together with demo versions of treasured TOXIC classics, "From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction" is a historic romp through the history of one of today's best old-school metal bands.

"From The Ashes Of Nuclear Destruction" track listing:

01. Intro
02. Metal Attack
03. Deathmaster
04. Created To Kill
05. Ready To Fight
06. Arise From The Cemetery
07. Thrashing Death
08. Send Them To Hell
09. Never Stop The Massacre
10. Army Of One
11. Death Camp
12. Reaper's Grave
13. Death Brings Death
14. In The Name Of Science
15. Nuke The Cross
16. Suicide Eye
17. 666
18. Bitch
19. Agony Of The Damned
20. A.T.O.M.I.C.
21. We Bring ‘Em Hell
22. Altar-ed States

TOXIC HOLOCAUST recently entered the studio later this winter to record the as-yet-untitled follow-up to their 2011 "Conjure And Command" full-length.

"After taking a much-needed break from touring and finally being able to enjoy life outside the confines of a van," said Joel Grind, "things have come back in full swing and I've been working nonstop writing the new TOXIC record for Relapse Records. Things are coming along great it's a bit too early to tell for sure but it seems like this record will encompass all of TOXIC's past recordings while building on that as well and moving forward. "

Praised for its "nuclear reactive riffage and Repo Man punk attitude," by Revolver and commended for its "tar-thick riffage, staggering breakdowns, and a corroded dose of self-loathing," by The Onion's A.V. Club, "Conjure And Command" continues to reap hails from fans and critics globally. As an added bonus, the band closed the year with the honor of having the song "Bitch" rear its sonic apocalyptic menace in an episode of high-rated FX drama series "Sons Of Anarchy" (season 5; episode 11).

TOXIC HOLOCAUST mutated into existence in 1999, when Joel Grind merged his love for classic punk and metal and the flash of L.A. hard rock into his ideal band. Like his influences — BATHORY, VENOM, ENGLISH DOGS, POSSESSED, BROKEN BONESTOXIC HOLOCAUST offers up blazing riffs, gravel-throated vocals, and a deadly fixation on the evil in man and a post-apocalyptic world wrapped in a DIY attitude.

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