April 2, 2009

Vancouver, British Columbia hard rock band NEUROSONIC has called its quits. The group's frontman Jason Darr states, "After touring nonstop for over two years, Troy [Healy, guitar], Jacen [Ekstrom, bass], Shane [Smith, drums] and I decided to take a little break. Nobody deserved it more, and I can tell you that as time passed it got harder and harder to figure out what we all needed to do. We each had different needs from life, love and music. Troy got married, and is expecting his first child. Shane is out touring all over the world with his old friends in SNFU, and Jacen has been working on a solo record called 'CrashCene' for some time (which I am fortunate enough to be producing). I have been keeping busy with a new wife, and producing records. I just put the wraps on producing the new BIF NAKED album, which comes out in Canada and America May 5 (you guys are gonna shit when you hear it!)

"It's been very hard to not come on and tell everyone sooner, but I think we all just wanted to see how it would play out (not to mention some denial). There was never a decision to give up or move on, but move on is what we all have done.

"We are so thankful for everyone's support of NEUROSONIC. We have had a blast, seen the world and rocked the shit out of so many people (ha... wordplay!). It really is a dream come true.

"We are all moving into different stages of our lives, I am going to continue producing killer records for other great artists that I love to work with and I hope you will all follow me into the next chapter of my musical life."

NEUROSONIC was founded in Vancouver in February 2006 by Darr, who was the former lead singer of Calgary's OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.

NEUROSONIC released its first album, "Drama Queen", on January 30, 2007 on the Bodog Music label, although the album was released in September 2006 in Canada.

NEUROSONIC took part in the 2007 Family Values tour alongside KORN, EVANESCENCE, HELLYEAH, TRIVIUM and others.

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