KISS DLC Pack Now Available For UBISOFT's 'Rocksmith 2014 Edition'

February 14, 2014

Ubisoft has announced today that the KISS DLC pack for Rocksmith 2014 Edition is now available for download on Xbox LIVE for Xbox 360, the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and Steam for PC and Mac.

Songs included in this pack are "Detroit Rock City", "Heaven's On Fire" and "I Was Made For Loving You".

Individual songs are available for $2.99 or the complete 3-song pack for $7.99.

New music packs continue to be released on a regular basis so please continue to watch for updated information.

Rocksmith 2014 Edition is the sequel to 2011's immensely popular Rocksmith, which taught over 1.5 million players how to play the guitar by enabling players to plug any real guitar or bass with a standard ΒΌ" jack directly into their Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Sony PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, PC or Mac. Rocksmith 2014 Edition includes new features, new modes, optimized tracking and responsiveness, and completely redesigned interface, new techniques and tunings, and much more. Aspiring guitarists can now learn to play guitar in just 60 days with Rocksmith 2014 Edition.




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