City Officials: BRUJERIA Is A Threat To Society

July 23, 2003

BRUJERIA, the extreme metal project led by former FEAR FACTORY guitarist Dino Cazares, are reportedly receiving resistance from city officials over their previously announced live appearance at Club Alondra (formerly Clark Center Bowl) in Bellflower, California.

"BRUJERIA is to play a concert September 4th At Club Alondra. However, the city is afraid of BRUJERIA's reputation and is worried for the safety of the city," reads a post on the band's web site. "As of now it is uncertain if BRUJERIA will play on this date… If you want BRUJERIA to play on Sept 4th, call Club Alondra and demand it: (562) 598-1383."

BRUJERIA, who currently feature in their ranks NAPALM DEATH bassist Shane Embury and DIMMU BORGIR/ex-CRADLE OF FILTH drummer Nick Barker, are in talks to join SOULFLY on the upcoming Aztlan Fest '03 tour, which showcases the top international Latin artists and the hottest up-and-coming talent from the U.S., Mexico and Latin America. Also set to appear on the bill are Latin rap pioneers DELINQUENT HABITS and Mexico's hottest ska-punkers CABRITO VUDU. The festival will set out late September through mid-October, hitting nearly 12-15 top Latin markets in United States. The tour officially kicks off in Mexico during Mexican Independence.

Upcoming BRUJERIA tour dates:

Sep. 04 - Club Alondra - Bellflower, CA
Sep. 20 - Palacio de Deportes - Mexico City, MEX
Oct. 02 - Aragon Ballroom - Chicago, IL
Oct. 09 - Villa Real - McAllen, TX
Oct. 12 - Sunset Station - San Antonio, TX
Oct. 16 - Calia Club - Mexicali, MEX

More dates will be announced soon.

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