CHRIS CORNELL's Widow Announces Public Vigil To Mark First Anniversary Of Late SOUNDGARDEN Frontman's Death

May 15, 2018

Chris Cornell's widow, Vicky Cornell, announced over the weekend that fans will have a chance to pay tribute to her late husband at a public vigil on Friday (May 18) in Los Angeles.

"It is with great emotion I reach out to all of you as the one year anniversary of my husband's passing approaches," she tweeted. "Chris was loved, so much, by so many. The children and I are so grateful to you all for being by our sides throughout all of this. Your love has created a close-knit community; more like a family; to grieve with, to provide support, and to help us heal. We could not have gotten through these last twelve months without you."

The public vigil will take place at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Friday at 7 p.m. PT.

"We want to open this up to you, our extended family, and invite you to join us on this day of prayer and remembrance to pay our respects together," she continued. "As we know, there are millions of fans and not everyone can physically be there, we would be honored if you share posts and videos of how Chris's music has touched you. We can feel your love no matter how far. Light a candle, say a prayer, speak his name… Loud Love."

Chris was found hanged in his room at the MGM Grand Detroit hotel in May 2017. His body was found soon after he had spoken with a "slurred" voice to Vicky by phone. The death was ruled a suicide.

But his family has questioned the medical examiner's ruling, saying that he had a prescription for Ativan and that a higher than recommended dosage may have caused him to experience suicidal thoughts.

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