CHRIS CAFFERY: 'Pins And Needles' Title Track Available For Streaming

March 4, 2007

Guitarist Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA) has posted the title track from his forthcoming solo album, "Pins and Needles", on his MySpace page.

"Pins and Needles" is scheduled for release in Europe on March 23 via Metal Heaven Records. The CD will arrive in North America and the rest of the world in June.

"Pins and Needles" track listing:

01. Pins and Needles
02. Sixty-Six
03. Torment
04. Walls
06. Sad
07. Chained
08. Worms
09. Crossed
10. The Time
11. Metal East
12. Qualdio
13. The Temple
14. Once Upon A Time (bonus track)

The follow-up to 2004's "Faces" and 2005's collection of bonus tracks and new compositions, "W.A.R.P.E.D.", "Pins and Needles" was originally scheduled to be released through Greece's Black Lotus Records, but after the company closed its doors last year, Caffery was forced to seek a new label home.

According to a press release, "Pins and Needles" features a "more powerful, aggressive, experimental and focused attack that is sure to catch the ears of any metal fan." The album was produced by Caffery together with Nik Chinboukas at Nik's Hot Tracks Studio, Spin Studios and Happy Beaver Studios, Astoria, NY.

Caffery's recording band consists of Paul Morris (RAINBOW, DORO) on keyboards, Nick Douglas (DORO) on bass guitar, Jeff Plate (SAVATAGE, METAL CHURCH) and Yael (MY RUIN, FIREBALL MINISTRY) on drums as well as Dave Z on bass guitars.

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