ALICE IN CHAINS Silencing Doubters

October 4, 2006

ALICE IN CHAINS recently spoke to AOL Music about the group's decision to reunite with a new singer, William Duvall:

"We spent half our lives together and created all this music, so just getting back in touch with it is a big thing, man," guitarist Jerry Cantrell said. "When you look back, you realize how much fun we actually had."

"Once we got rolling it was just really emotional for me, doing this without our brother Layne [Staley, late frontman]," added bassist Mike Inez.

"I think we've kind of found some sort of neutral buoyancy. We're floating in the ocean. It just feels good. It feels more natural."

Drummer Sean Kinney said the band had to deal with a lot of doubters at first. "Nobody knew what would happen, 'cause some people are just stupid," he said. "They can't let go of the past, and they believe things have to be a certain way. I hear a lot of people tell me, 'This can't work, and it shouldn't be.' By the third song, they're singing along. And then they feel the need to hunt you down and tell you they were wrong."

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